A note from President and Founder Norm Flynn:
When most people hear the song It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year they think of Christmas: festive cheer, spending time with family and celebrating the season. When I think of that song, I think of graduation season. When I turn the calendar to the month of June a smile crosses my face and a warm feeling fills my heart. This is the time of year that the hard work turns into cheers for our HEROS and more than 200 volunteers across Canada. Our HEROS celebrate a graduation rate of 90-95% which is well above the national average – we accomplish what at times seems impossible.
HEROS uses the game of hockey as a vehicle to boost school attendance among our players. As result of their participation in HEROS, our players attend school more regularly, which helps increase classroom participation, promotes motivation, improves grades and as a result increases graduation opportunity.
This year we celebrate our All-Stars HEROS across Canada who graduated from Grade 12, the majority of whom are the first in their family to accomplish such a feat. With the help of our generous sponsors we are helping those graduates pursuing university, college or vocational training by providing financial assistance. We can’t forget to also celebrate our Future Stars who are graduating and are preparing to take the leap into high school. HEROS will be with both groups every step of the way, from elementary school to-and-through post-secondary.
The difference between a dream and goal is a plan and a goal without a plan is just a wish. All of our boys and girls have dreams and at HEROS we teach them how to develop a plan to reach their full potential and help them achieve their dreams. We provide academic assistance for our boys and girls, supporting individual academic plans in their areas of need so they have the necessary resources. We provide our boys and girls with the support to grow as an individual: socially, emotionally and academically. We teach and reinforce important values, like the importance of giving rather than receiving, that hard work equals success, respecting those around you and demonstrating discipline while also having fun. We believe that your attitude determines your altitude.
The 2019 graduating class, whether it be high school or elementary school, has been a record setting year, seeing our highest number of Grade 12 graduates ever. To our HEROS across Canada please know we are proud of each and every one of your accomplishments and achievements. We are honoured to consider you part of our family. Once a HERO, always a HERO.
“The 2 most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
Congratulations to all our HEROS graduates – you are on the road to discover your “WHY.”
![]() Affectionately known as “Twin Towers”, the sisters will attend Algonquin College in the fall. |
![]() The two sisters enjoying a proud moment together. |
![]() Our volunteers and mentors are just as proud of our graduating HEROS. |
![]() A proud momma and her HERO after graduation. |
![]() Executive Director Kevin Hodgson and one of our graduates. |
![]() No matter the level, we’re always proud of our HEROS educational success. |
![]() She will be attending York University in the fall. |
![]() Justin will be attending Waterloo University in the fall. |
![]() Volunteer Tony Wray and one of our HEROS graduates. |
![]() Will attend the University of Alberta this fall. |
![]() The proud walk after years of hard work. |